Friday, December 26, 2008

Bearing the Boredom

This hasn't been the slowest of weeks, but I still find myself longing for a routine more normal to the one I hold during the semester times. My whole family is home for the holidays, and I have to say that it is good to see them, but I get tired of being around people so quickly and retreat to a solitary place before too much time passes. What I want more than anything is for some kind of love interest to magically appear in my life so that I can end this cold streak that I've been on since September.

Speaking of cold, all of my Christmas presents were to combat the freezing winter weather, and I am very grateful that my parents took my requests for a new coat seriously. Really, I didn't want anything for Christmas because I think that it is a bullshit holiday, but I know that my parents enjoy giving me gifts, so I let them. However, in spite of all this Christmas spirit surrounding me, I feel nowhere closer to having some myself. I feel nothing for religious rituals, including the ones that I participate in to avoid disappointing my parents. I know, I subsume to social pressures, but at the same time, I am not so full of spiritual/existential angst that I can't be involved with a church function for the sake of my parents.

Likes: my niece
Dislikes: mediocre movie recommendations.

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