Monday, December 1, 2008


It has begun!

Hahaha. I needed/wanted a place to spew my love and hatred for stuff, and what a more demeaning way of dispensing useless thought with a writing form designed precisely for that? Now I can just say what I like and what I don't like.

First the likes:
Today I am a big fan of His Dark Materials. Ok, so this isn't much out of the ordinary for me.. but I have finally made it to The Amber Spyglass and I am very fascinated with the way Pullman has woven this trilogy together. As much as I admire my good friend and mentor's opinions on a great many issues, one I think I disagree with him on is the point that The Golden Compass is the only book in the trilogy worth reading. I'm starting to believe in the concept of pluralism, and the implications that many philosophies can play together paradoxically in the world. The friction created by one ideology trying to falsify another is what makes pluralism so difficult for a mass appeal. However, on a individual level perhaps it can serve as a tool to make a good peace-maker.

Now the dislikes:
I cleaned my basement tonight, and made it presentable. Now it is a living room again and not a storage closet. I wanted to enforce a no smoking (cigarettes) policy, but there was no asking the cowboy not to smoke when he was drinking, so I guess there will be no such policy. This is disappointing, but now that both living rooms are accessible we will be able to live peacably.. at least for now. I've decided not to break lease, or as Joe Paul would say I've decided not to be a little bitch about it, and I hope I'm making the right decision. The next few days will dictate whether or not I can handle living in this house during periods of high-stress.

For now that is all. God knows how much I will use this... but it's all for fun :)

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