Thursday, December 25, 2008

half-high with resin hits

dislike: home for the holidays without weed
like: resin filled bowls that allow for the ritual of smoking

The thing is that when smoking resin in desperation, the total desired effect of euphoria is nil reached. Instead, one gets "half-high," which should tie one over until a decent sack can be located. It is hard to make preparations for the holidays. The more ganj one has, the more ganj one will smoke unless he or she has developed a systematic method of discipline that rations the amount smoked and keeps that amount securely controlled.

On the up side, by the time the tide turns and the availability of ganj increases, my tolerance will lower and I will get more out of the ganj I rock when the time comes. In the meantime, I've become something of a med-head, distracting myself with other forms of chemical escapes. Once I return to my cave, I will probably resume my other forms of mind-altering activities. Until then, Merry Christmas!

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