Monday, December 1, 2008

Crunch Time and All-Nighters

There is less time available than required to finish all of these projects. I have a pounding headache, and about 30 pages to write by 4pm Wednesday. Work will take seven hours tomorrow and I should probably sleep sometime between now and 9am when I have to go in.

End-of-Semester Crunch to get everything done on time. I've had all semester to do this stuff, but I was too busy being an eccentric artist, or a flaky genius, or whatever you want to call it. I still have about 239 pages until I finish His Dark Materials, and I'm growing quite anxious to finish the trilogy.

Stress and distraction can influence the appreciation of something. This is proving to be the case with my current reading assignment, and reading has become such a chore that I don't have the drive to keep reading tonight although I know I'll never finish if I don't.

A strategically placed all-nighter is going to make all the difference here.

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